Community Nursing in Leoben

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Community Nurses

Picture: BüKo


What is community nursing?

Community nurses are registered nurses. They are key points of contact for any health and care-related issues, with a focus on prevention, advice and training.

The primary goal of community nursing is to strengthen the health literacy of people aged 65 and older, so empowering them to lead a self-determined, largely independent and participatory life. Community nurses also relieve some of the burden on family members and offer them support.

Services offered by community nurses in Leoben

  • In a first step, the community nurse analyses and assesses the life situation and status of a person, applying comprehensive case & care management.
  • This is followed by targeted counselling or training. If desired, a prevention plan is drawn up.
  • This happens either during the consulting hours of the community nurses at the Lerchenfeld and Donawitz community centres or at the senior citizens’ residences in the city centre, but the nurses also make home visits. If you wish to arrange for a home visit, please make an appointment by phone or e-mail.


Leoben Community Nurses

Two nurses make up the Leoben Community Nurses team:

Renate Pauritsch

+43 676 84 40 62-554

Gabriele Gruber

+43 676 875 423 009

Home visits

You can also arrange home visits.

+43 676 84 40 62 554

The “Community Nursing” project is funded by the European Union “NextGenerationEU” – in association with the Austrian Red Cross.

Logos des Projekts 'Community Nursing' Leoben

Training and advice

In autumn 2022, a survey was conducted to identify common health problems and the need for care and nursing. The findings from this survey will form the basis for the development of targeted counselling and training provisions as well as preventive measures regarding physical exercise and mobility (fall prevention, strengthening), nutrition (healthy food, weight control, nutrients), social participation (project days for seniors, “seniors breakfasts”) and cognitive fitness (storytelling cafés, memory training).

The survey was conducted together with StadtLABOR Graz at the senior citizens’ residences in the city centre, at the Lerchenfeld Community Centre and the Donawitz Community Centre.

Vi­tal-Pass for senior citizens

The Vital Pass offers a varied program to keep senior citizens in Leoben active and healthy in their everyday lives. Various free or low-cost courses, lectures and workshops are offered at different locations. Participation in the events is rewarded with a stamp on the last page. Once you have collected 10 stamps, you can look forward to LE vouchers.