Parks & Educational Trails

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The City of Leoben is not only surrounded by plenty of green spaces, it also offers numerous green oases within the city centre: It has seven parks with a total area of approximately 64,000 m2. In addition, there are approximately 20 hectares of municipal forest, for example at Mt. Maßenberg or Mt. Kalvarienberg.

Glacis Pavillon in Leoben

Glacis Pavillon in Leoben, Picture: Freisinger

Park am Glacis

Am Glacis
8700 Leoben
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Size: approx. 2.5 ha

Leoben Augarten

Leoben Augarten, Picture: Foto Freisinger


In der Au
8700 Leoben
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Size: approx. 2.5 ha

Panoramabild des Gärner Parks in Leoben

Panorama Gärner Park, Picture: Foto Freisinger

Gärner Park

8700 Leoben
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Size: approx. 4,800 m2

Sculpture in the Leoben Pestalozzipark

Leoben Pestalozzipark; Picture: Freisinger


8700 Leoben
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Size: approx. 4,000 m2

Eggenwaldtsches Gartenhaus Leoben

Eggenwaldsches Gartenhaus Leoben, Picture: Freisinger

Eggenwaldsches Gartenhaus

Mühltaler Straße
8700 Leoben
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Size: approx. 2,500 m2

Peter Tunner-Park Leoben

Peter Tunner-Park Leoben, Picture: Freisinger

Peter Tunner-Park

Erzherzog Johann-Straße
8700 Leoben
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Size: approx. 1,500 m2

Jakobipark Leoben

Jakobipark Leoben, Picture: Freisinger


Kärntner Straße
8700 Leoben
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Size: approx. 1,300 m2

Educational trails

Maßenberg forest trail

On the Maßenberg forest trail, visitors can learn about the importance of the forest and discover its ecosystem.

Ausgangspunkt der Wanderung: Aussichtsplattform der Massenburg Leoben

Ausgangspunkt der Wanderung: Aussichtsplattform der Massenburg Leoben, Bild: Freisinger

This educational forest trail has a length of approximately 1.2 kilometres and includes 19 information boards with descriptions of the most important local tree species and forest management and exploitation systems. It ends at the Gasthaus Pampichlerwarte tavern. From there, you can also continue to the Sebanzteich wetland biotope. The Maßenberg forest trail is the first section of the Kalvarienberg trail.


Click here for a detailed itinerary of the  Maßenberg forest trail and the Kalvarienberg rail.

Häuselberg bird nature trail

The bird nature trail in the Häuselberg nature conservation area has a length of approximately 1.9 kilometres and begins right behind the Häuselberg high-level water tank. It includes 21 information boards showing the local bird species. The bird nature trail was erected by members of the mountain and nature rescue service and provides lots of valuable information on the world of birds.


Click here for a detailed itinerary of the  Häuselberg bird nature trail

Seegraben environment and nature trail

The Seegraben environment and nature trail is 4.7 kilometres long and explains water, forest and grass ecosystems in a way that is exciting and suitable for children. The point of departure is the Seegraben parking lot. From there, the trail will take you to the showcase beekeeper Landner, to the Barbara Chapel, to the Müllerleiten springs and to the Tagbau-Teich pond. It then continues along the barefoot trail to the Veitsberg parking lot before it takes you back to the point of departure.


Click here for a detailed itinerary of the Seegraben environment and nature trail.

Nature conservation

Leoben is home to a nature reserve and two protected landscape areas. They are popular destinations for excursions and recreational activities in the region.

Häuselberg nature conservation area

The Häuselberg nature conservation area is particularly renowned for its biodiversity. The southwestern slopes of the hill provide a remarkable habitat for numerous plants and rare bird species. While the bird nature trail will be of special interest to many visitors, some may also enjoy the many hiking and climbing possibilities on Mt. Häuselberg.

Protected landscape area: Tagbau-Teich pond

The Tagbau-Teich pond in the Seegraben area is a protected landscape owned by voest alpine.

You can reach it following the Seegraben environment and nature trail.

Tagbauteich in Leoben-Seegraben

Tagbauteich in Leoben-Seegraben, Bild: TV Leoben

Office in charge

Referat Grünflächen und Friedhöfe

Leoben City Hall
Erzherzog Johann-Straße 2
8700 Leoben
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Opening hours:
Mon & Thu: 08:00 – 16:00
Tue, Wed & Fri: 08:00 – 12:00

By appointment:
Tue & Wed: 12:00 – 16:00
Thu: 07:00 – 8:00 & 16:00 – 18:00
Fri: 12:00 – 13:00

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