Municipal Statistics
On this page:
Number of inhabitants
as per 2 January 2025:
- Inhabitants total: 28,286 – of which 14,291 male, 13,994 female and 1 non-binary
- Persons with principal place of residence in Leoben: 24,607
- Persons with secondary place of residence in Leoben:3,679
- Households total: 13,514
Geographic data
Geographic position: 47° 23′ northern latitude, 15° 6′ eastern longitude
East-west extension: 16.8 km
North-south extension: 16.1 km
Altitude and highest elevation
Average altitude above sea level: 540 m
Highest elevation: 1,643 m (Wetterkogel)
Lowest point: 515 m (residential building Proleber Straße 142)
Tallest building: 58 m (church tower of Waasen parish)
Rivers and streams
Mur, Gössbach, Schladnitzbach, Vordernbergerbach, Karrenbach
Area and perimeter
Perimeter of urban area: 53 km
Total area: 107.77 km2, of which
- 78,69 % woodland
- 9,03 % agricultural land
- 5,27 % building land
- 4,50 % other
- 1,19 % waters
- 0,84% alps
- 0,48 % gardens
Cadastral communities & street/road names
Community data
Municipality: Municipality number 61108
Capital of the district of Leoben
ZIP code: 8700, telephone area code: +43 3842
Number of street/road names: 249
Leoben is comprised of ten cadastral communities:
- Donawitz
- Göß
- Gößgraben-Göß
- Judendorf
- Leitendorf
- Leoben
- Mühltal
- Prettach
- Schladnitzgraben
- Waasen
Network of roads and streets
Leoben has an extensive network of roads, streets, cycle paths and bridges:
- some 190 km of roads and streets; of which 100 km paved
- 130 kilometres of footpaths
- more than 15,000 m2pedestrian zone in the centre of town
- some 80 bridges
- some 30 km of cycle paths
- some 4,000 street lights
Statistical data on Leoben Municipality
For detailed statistics on politics, society and business in the city of Leoben please visit the websites of Landesstatistik Steiermark and Statistik Austria.
- Current statistical data provided by the Styrian Statistics Office (sources: Statistik Austria, AMS) is available at
- Current data from Statistik Austria on the Municipality of Leoben is available at