Family Services

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Claudia Leeb im Familienbüro der Stadt Leoben

Family Services office, Picture: BüKo


Claudia Leeb
+43 3842 4062-278 +43 3842 4062-320

Services & special offers for families

The Family Services office is the central point of contact for families, young parents and children. It provides information and consulting in a non-bureaucratic manner in all matters from parenthood and child-rearing, to allowances and subsidies or leisure time activities.

The Family Services office is the organiser of the following special services for families:

Leoben’s baby gift

Your city welcomes every newborn with a gift.

in German

Leoben’s nappy voucher

Cloth nappies are gentle on our environment and your budget. Leoben-based parents will receive vouchers for them.

in German

Styrian family pass

Get the “Zwei und Mehr” family pass and profit from special offers for families throughout Styria.

in German

Projects & activities

The Family Services office is the voice of families and children and represents their interests in public discussion and city life. The Family Services office is the point of contact for participation in decision-making and for co-designing a family-friendly city. It also organises regular lectures and parent meetings:

Symbolbild Familienbüro

Picture: Foto Freisinger


The family meeting place in downtown Leoben offers a diverse program for parents-to-be and families with toddlers.


Kind mit bemalter Hand

Bild: freepik

Meetings for children

For children aged 7 and over: Crafting, playing and cooking together. Come along!

in German:

Current dates

Claudia Leeb, head of the Family Services office, presents information leaflets

Numerous information leaflets are available; Picture: BüKo

Child safety

Under the motto “Große schützen Kleine” (“Big ones protect small ones”) numerous representatives of various organizations have been meeting for years as part of the “kindersicherer Bezirk” (“child-safe district”) project. The aim is to develop and support concrete measures to prevent accidents involving children. The Family Services office is also a member of this platform.

Activities and services include:

Poster idea box with a representative image of a colorful carrier pigeon

Thiis illustration was created using an AI tool and reviewed by a human; Picture: BüKo/ Adobe

Family-friendly community

In 2016, Leoben was awarded the state-approved quality label “familienfreundlichegemeinde” (“family-friendly community”)and the UNICEF certificate “Kinderfreundliche Gemeinde” (“child-friendly community”). In 2020, the certification was confirmed.

Your ideas are needed!
As the city undergoes another  re-audit process in 2025, residents are invited to contribute their ideas for a family-friendly community. To gather these suggestions, an idea box will be set up in the town hall.

  • All citizens are warmly encouraged to submit their suggestions by placing them in the box (cards are provided).
  • The idea box will be available at the town hall foyer from 15 March to 15 April 2025, eagerly awaiting creative contributions.