“Sports & Fun” Holiday Programme

On this page:


The “Sports & Fun” programme is for kids in Leoben aged 6 to 14.

In collaboration with neighbouring municipalities and also many clubs and organisations, the programme offers a wide variety of holiday activities involving sports, creativity, culture, and also ecology. These activities are offered during the summer holidays and also during the Christmas and semester breaks.

Office in charge

Saskia Sorta


Winter Sports & Fun

During the Christmas and semester holidays, the “Winter Sports & Fun” programme offers primarily winter sports activities such as skiing or ice skating, but also indoor sports, arts and crafts or baking workshops.

Registration is possible from 16 December 2024.

Summer Sports & Fun

The summer programme is offered during the summer holidays, where kids can engage in sports, ecology, and also museum and theatre activities. Thanks to the many workshops and excursions available, there is simply no time to get bored.

Sign in

How it works:

When to sign up:

  • Winter Sports & Fun: from Monday, 16 December 2024, 9:00 a.m.
  • For the dates in KulturQuartier from Tuesday, 17 December 2024, 9:00 a.m. (please note: The KulturQuartier is closed from 22 December 2024, to 6 January 2025)
  • As a general rule, children can participate in the “Sports & Fun” programme from the age of six. Some activities, however, are only suitable for older children.
  • All activities have a limited number of participants. The order in which registrations are received applies.
  • If the participant does not attend, the cost contribution for the respective activity is forfeited.
  • We do not accept any liability for accidents.