Social Service Providers & Counselling Centres
On this page:
Social services providers
Caritas livelihood consulting
Regionalstelle Leoben
Marienplatz 2
8700 Leoben
+43 676 88015 189
Website Caritas Sozialberatung
Caritas Regionalkoordination Obersteiermark Ost
Marienplatz 2
8700 Leoben
+43 676 88015 612
CARLA – Secondhand-Shop Caritas
Franz Josef-Straße 23
8700 Leoben
+43 676 880 15 652
Website CARLA Leoben
Francis Night Shelter
At the parish Lerchenfeld
Karrergasse 10
8700 Leoben
+43 676 88 015 455
Website Caritas – Haus Franziskus
Styrian debt counselling for the district of Leoben
Wiener Straße 60
8605 Kapfenberg
+43 3862 27 500
Appointments for consultation at Leoben City Hall (Erzherzog Johann-Straße 2) required, please call +43 316 372 507
Sozialmarkt Leoben
Waasenstraße 15
8700 Leoben
+43 3842 27888
More information to Sozialmarkt Leoben (in German)
Land Steiermark – Social support service
Hotline free of charge
+43 800 20 10 10
Sozialserver Land Steiermark
Volkshilfe Styria – Social support centre for Leoben
Pestalozzistraße 27
8700 Leoben
+43 3842 470 27
Website Sozialzentrum Leoben
Wendepunkt Leoben
Franz Josef-Straße 23
8700 Leoben
+43 670 60 722 07
Caritas Housing security
Marienplatz 2
8700 Leoben
+43 676 88015 748
+43 316 8015 – 761
Website Caritas Wohnungssicherung
Counselling centres & psychological support
Counselling center SOPHA Leoben
Social-psychiatric help for the elderly
Homanngasse 7-9
8700 Leoben
+43 3842 318 20
Website Beratungsstelle SOPHA
on appointment by telephone
LIBIT Counselling centre
Vordernberger Straße 7
8700 Leoben
+43 3842 470 12
Website Beratungszentrum LIBIT
Psychosocial counselling, support, information and psychotherapeutic treatment for residents of the district of Leoben
Initial legal advice
With the aim of enabling everybody access to their rights, Styrian lawyers provide free initial legal advice. Participating law firms take turns; every week a different one provides this service. Session dates can be found on the website of the Styrian Bar Association.
Steiermärkische Rechtsanwaltskammer
Leoben Centre for protection against violence
Franz-Josef-Straße 25/Parterre
8700 Leoben
+43 316 77 41 99
Website Gewaltschutzzentrum Steiermark
Psychosocial and legal support for victims of violence in their social environment (partner, family, job, school, …)
open on Tuesdays, appointments required; please call +43 316 77 41 99
GO-ON Suicide prevention – Regional team Leoben
Vordernberger Straße 7
8700 Leoben
+43 676 847 886 611
Website Suizidprävention Steiermark
Psychological counselling for students of ÖH Leoben
Hochschülerschaft an der Montanuniversität Leoben
Franz Josef-Straße 18
8700 Leoben
Website Psychologische Beratungsstelle
Psychological counselling centre for schools
Schiffländ 8
8600 Bruck/Mur
+43 5 0248 345 – 668
Website Schulpsychologische Beratungsstelle
Social-psychiatric support during psychological crises
Homanngasse 7 – 9
8700 Leoben
+43 3842 436 55
Website Sozialpsychiatrische Tagesstruktur
Addiction counselling for Upper Styria
Krottendorfergasse 1
8700 Leoben
+43 3842 444 74
Website Suchtberatung Obersteiermark
Verein Neustart
Parkstraße 11/2nd floor
8700 Leoben
+43 3842 451 77
Website Verein Neustart
Support for the reintegration into society for offenders, support for victims and prevention
Self-help groups in Leoben
Leoben Alcoholics Anonymous
Homanngasse 9
8700 Leoben
+43 316 57 47 40
Website Anonyme Alkoholiker Steiermark
weekly meetings: Tuesdays, 18:30 – 20:00
Women’s self-help group after cancer
Badgasse 10, at Pfarrhof Waasen (clergy house)
8700 Leoben
+43 3842 43 970
Website Frauen-Selbsthilfe-Gruppe nach Krebs
Multiple sclerosis self-help group
Badgasse 10, at Pfarrhof Waasen (clergy house)
8700 Leoben
+43 3847 745 15
+43 676 842 824 100
Website Multiple Sklerose-Selbsthilfe-Gruppe
Parkinson self-help group
Maßenbergstraße 9, Pfarrsaal St. Jakob (Jakobiheim) – parish office
8700 Leoben
Walter Ondrich
+43 680 1413 047
Next meetings of the Parkinson self-help group
SALZ – Styrian Alzheimer help group
Homanngasse 7-9, Sozialpsychiatrische Tagesstruktur
8700 Leoben
Andrea Hohl
+43 676 452 04 00
Meetings for relatives in Leoben: Every 3rd Monday of the month, 17:00 – 19:00
Verein Achterbahn
Homanngasse 7-9, Sozialpsychiatrische Tagesstruktur (Rettet das Kind)
8700 Leoben
+43 676 407 97 46
Website Verein Achterbahn
Self-help for people with psychological distress
Professional integration
Fit2work Leoben
Franz Josef-Straße 6
8700 Leoben
+43 800 500 118
Website Fit2work
Job assistance Styria PSY
Counselling sessions in Leoben available; upon appointment by telephone:
+43 664 / 88 41 51 19
+43 664 / 88 41 51 22
Website Arbeitsassistenz Steiermark
Counselling and support for adolescents and adults who feel psychologically distressed on the job market
Pro Mente Styria – Leoben
Waasenstraße 6-8
8700 Leoben
+43 50 441-0
Website pro mente Steiermark/ Leoben
Services for people with psychological illnesses; professional training
Women, parents & families
Counselling and legal advice for custody and parenting
Bezirkshauptmannschaft Leoben – Leoben District Authority
Peter Tunner-Straße 6
8700 Leoben
+43 3842 45571-0
Website BH Leoben
Caritas Family assistance – Regional assistance in Upper Styria
Kärntnerstraße 13 Top 2
8720 Knittelfeld
+43 676 880 155 51
Website Caritas Familienhilfe
Family Services of the City of Leoben
Erzherzog Johann-Straße 2
8700 Leoben
+43 3842 4062-278
Information on the Office for Family Services of the City of Leoben
Counselling for women and girls in Eastern Upper Styria
Vordernberger Straße 7
8700 Leoben
+43 664 883 403 82
Birth Support – Doula Team Leoben
Website Doula Team Leoben
Non medical support through pregnancy, birth and postnatal time
Family counselling and psychotherapy services of the Diocese of Graz-Seckau
Homanngasse 7
8700 Leoben
+43 676 8742-2606
Website IFP
Marriage and partner counseling, family and life counseling, psychotherapy, mediation, legal counseling, parental counseling (§95 AußStrG) and counseling at the district court
Rainbows Styria – Group for children
Information on place and dates upon request
Contact person: Michaela Pregartner
Website Rainbows Steiermark
Support for children after divorce, separation or death of a beloved person
Verein mit uns – Early support and family assistance
Waasenstraße 1
8700 Leoben
+43 3842 29 603 oder +43 664 52 33 233
Website Verein Mit uns
People with disabilities
Counselling for people with disabilities from A to Z
Peter Tunner-Straße 17 Monthly consultation days
8700 Leoben
+43 3842 455 71
Website Behindertenberatung
Advocacy for people with disabilities
Dr.-Theodor-Körner-Straße 1
8600 Bruck/Mur
+43 676 866 607 83
Website Behindertenanwaltschaft
Personal appointments at the district authority (BH Leoben) and telephone consultations
Caritas MoHi – Family assistance and mobile help
Kärntnerstraße 13 Top 2
8720 Knittelfeld
+43 676 880 155 51
Website Caritas Behindertenhilfe
Jugend am Werk – Leoben branch
Schießstattstraße 10a
8700 Leoben
+43 664 800 06 3900
Website Jugend am Werk
Lebenshilfe association for people with disabilities
Lorberaustraße 20
8700 Leoben
+43 3842 246 83
Website Lebenshilfe Leoben
Institut Leben Lachen Lernen – Down Syndrome Centre
Kärntner Straße 395
8700 Leoben
+43 3842 268 52
Website Down-Syndrom-Zentrum
ÖZIV Steiermark – Leoben branch
Begegnungszentrum Lerchenfeld (Europaplatz 1b)/Begegnungszentrum Donawitz (Lorberaustraße 7)
8700 Leoben
Franz Klopf (+43 664 923 18 72,
Website ÖZIV
Social Services Mur-Mürztal
Homanngasse 14a
8700 Leoben
+43 660 73 800 20
Website Social Services Mur-Mürztal
LE Kompass – service centre for new Citizens
Erzherzog Johann-Straße 2
8700 Leoben
+43 3842 4062-204
Information on LE Kompass
Austrian Integration Fund
monthly consultation hours at Leoben City Hall
Erzherzog Johann-Straße 2
8700 Leoben
+43 316 841 720
Website Austrian Integration Fund in Styria
Platform integration assistance Leoben
Langgasse 11/12
8700 Leoben
Caritas Social counselling for migrants in Upper Styria
Marienplatz 2
8700 Leoben
+43 676 88015 189
Website Caritas MigrantInnen- und Flüchtlingshilfe
Disease & end-of-life care
Nursing care contact point – Pflegedrehscheibe Leoben
Peter Tunner-Straße 6
8700 Leoben
+43 676 8666 0675
Website Pflegedrehscheibe
Austrian Cancer Society Styria – Leoben branch
Hirschgraben 5
8700 Leoben
+43 316 474 43 30
Website Krebshilfe Steiermark
Hospice association Styria for the district of Leoben
Hauptplatz 17
8700 Leoben
+43 664 870 88 08
Contact person: Siegmar Kaiser
Website Hospizverein Steiermark
Something missing? Please contact the web content managers of the city of Leoben via +43 3842 4062-372 or Please inform us about any relevant changes.