Waste Collection & Waste Separation
On this page:
Who collects what types of waste?
In Leoben, some types of waste are collected by the municipality, while others are collected by private disposal contractors.
The Municipality of Leoben is in charge of collecting:
- waste paper
- residual waste
- organic waste
- bulky waste (extra registration required)
- tree and shrub cuttings (in German) – (extra registration required)
Costs: Click on the link for more information on waste disposal charges (in German) in Leoben.
The private disposal contractors clear the following containers:
- yellow container or yellow bag – collected by Saubermacher (Contact: +43 59800 5000)
- aluminium and tin plate container – collected by Saubermacher (Contact: +43 59800 5000)
- glass collection container – collected by Frikus (Contact: +43 3135 500 82 13)
Costs: Private households are not charged for the collection of waste paper, packaging materials, aluminium and waste glass. The collection costs are included in the purchase price of packaged goods in trade.
When will my waste be collected?
Please check the Household Waste Collection Calendar (“Abfallkalender”) for information on collection days for residual waste, organic waste, waste paper and plastic packaging (yellow container/yellow bag):
househould waste collection calendar
If you have any questions, you can also contact the:
Referat Abfall-, Abwasser- & Umweltmanagement
Leoben City Hall
Erzherzog Johann-Straße 2
8700 Leoben
show on city map
Opening hours:
Mon & Thu: 08:00 – 16:00
Tue, Wed & Fri: 08:00 – 12:00
By appointment:
Tue & Wed: 12:00 – 16:00
Thu: 07:00 – 8:00 & 16:00 – 18:00
Fri: 12:00 – 13:00
Sign up for waste collection or notify change of address
If you move to another property or if you wish to notify any other changes, please contact the officer in charge:
- Referat Abfall-, Abwasser- & Umweltmanagement: Sachbearbeiter - Abfallwirtschaft/ Altstoffsammelzentrum
Please read page 6 of the waste management regulation for information on the size of containers and the frequency of waste collection.
Waste Separation
Here you will find information material on the correct separation of waste: